I've been very blessed. I have some exciting news to share: The colouring-in book my artwork was featured in last year was chosen to be distributed in a special edition colouring-in book for adults for SARIE magazine - a popular women's magazine in South Africa - for the June 2016 edition. It was distritubted along with every SARIE magazine purchase of that month. I was so thrilled to see my work published nationally and seen across the country. And even more privileged that it stated that the colouring-in book featured work by famous South African Artists - and my work was displayed alongside them :) I brushed shoulders with lovely artists such as Wendy Malan and Piet Grobler.
On the left: The cover of the colouring-in book which features my artwork.
On the right: The SARIE June 2016 cover. |
On the left: My artwork entitled 'Out there' as featured in the colouring-in book of SARIE.
On the right: The June edition of SARIE the colouring-in book was sold with. |
Other news from my studio is that the artwork I drew titled "I love SA" and featured in a post earlier this year was also selected as part of the second colouring-in book for adults by the same publisher. This colouring-in book was A5-sized, ring-bound and also distributed across Gauteng and Cape Town. Thank you thank you thank you!
The printed "Inkleurboek vir Grootmense" featuring my artwork "I love SA". |
The artwork as featured in the printed colouring-in book. |
"I love SA" Colouring-in Art |
The artwork "I love SA" digitally coloured-in. |
I'm working on the manuscript for the next project and have only this page as a spoiler...
will keep you updated on the progress thereof. To be honest, the manuscript is taking a lot longer than I anticipated. It's undergone multiple rewrites and at the moment it needs a new perspective, so I'll need a bit of time to mould it some more. But I'm very excited for this project. It focuses on historical narratives. I'm not saying anything more at this time, because there's a metamorphoses on the way.
Spoiler: A page from the new comic I'm working on. It's still in manuscript phase. Exciting times :) |