Friday 16 March 2012

My Family poster

I've recently been asked to draw an educational poster of the family. It is intended to be coloured in by pupils of the class so as to involve them in the process. The poster is available in any standard size: A3, A2, A1. It will be distributed to schools in rural areas all over Mpumalanga & beyond. Here in sunny South Africa eleven official languages are recognised - that's a lot of languages! In Mpumalanga most speak either English, Siswati, Sotho & Afrikaans. To sovle the printing cost/language dilemma I left the boxes blank for each teacher to fill in the appropriate word in their mother tongue of choice. The above image serves only as illustration of what words are intended for which boxes, but the original obviously is blank.

Since then I've begun on a new comic that's been with me for a while now. It's only been an idea though, I haven't had the courage to draw it yet, until now. It's a tough story to write - I'm not even sure if I will publish it, but it has to come out to the light. It can't stay in my head anymore. So write we shall & what will happen in the future, we'll see when we get there.
I've read this graffiti on a desk, toilet door, somewhere recently: 'nothing interesting happens when you know where you are going'. It sums it up well.

P.S. Oh, I should've mentioned: distribution of this poster is free, so if you want a mahala copy for your classroom in high res pdf format (A2 size), just post your request & I'll e-mail it through to you.