Wednesday, 11 March 2015

I dreamt

Hallo dear friends,

I read Aidan Koch's Blonde Woman recently & was intrigued with the idea of non-sequential graphic pages, where the focus of the page is an emotive one rather than a sequential narrative per se.  I drew this page in mixed media and would possibly like to expand it into a series: 'I Dreamt'.  We'll see what happens.  The experience was very positive.  I realised when I didn't have to focus so much on story, I could play more with space and quite naturally the gutters disappeared and 'scenes' flowed into eachother.

 For this page, I experimented with mixed media (graphite, gouache and coloured pencil).  I really liked the sensitivity of marks and colour one could achieve with the pencils.  But the coloured pencil doesn't scan that well - lots of colour and texture detail gets lost in the process.  And some areas appear 'white-out', which is a bit disappointing.  But that is part of the 'reproductive process' right?

Take care & have a lovely week

I dreamt #1